
Showing posts from October, 2019

Traditional Birthday Foods from Across the Globe

Birthday is a day celebrated in every culture. Birthday cakes, candles, and parties are the current era’s trend. Birthday parties were always there but the birthday meals and celebrations were never look-alikes around the world as they are today. In this era of trends, very few traditions are left. I find out the remnants of birthday traditions and popular traditional birthday foods from around the globe. Have a nice read! Korean Birthday Foods Korean birthday celebrations are as unique as their culture. The first birthday of the child in Korea is called  DOL . The first step of Korean birthday celebrations is only for female participants. During prayer rice cakes, water, and seaweed soup are offered. Rice cakes are of several types and shared only with family members. The main part of the celebrations is called Toljabee. Toljabee cuisines include rice cakes, seasonal fruits, and several other dishes. This session of celebration predicts the child’s future. How? Read it